Engineering. Manufacturing. Success
(rus) +380 (44) 331 92 48
(rus) +380 (50) 47-562-47
 (engl) +380 (50) 607 74 08


Company “Gravicon” has developed and successfully implemented flow sheets of processing the following technogenic deposits :
-         dumps of ferromanganese and ferrochrome productions;
-         coal terricones;
-         dumps of aluminium integrated smelters, etc.
( for processing technogenic deposits the module preparation complexes “Gravicon” are intended).
From this secondary raw material it is possible to obtain up to 25% of concentrate at the least costs.
According to statistics available with us , even with taking into account the present world tendency of reduction prices for raw material the average payback period of module preparation complex does not exceed one year.
At the stage of making decision about implementation of the module preparation complex for any customer the most important tasks are definition of the payback period of investments and assuredness in success of the whole undertaking. The keystone to success are maximally exact definition of content of useful product in  raw material , washability degree of raw material and drawing up the optimum flow sheet of preparation.
For solving these tasks at the stage of making decision by the customer  the company “Gravicon” carries out laboratory researches of raw material. For this purpose the enterprise has  mini-preparation plant enabling obtain results of preparation  maximally oriented to those which will be obtained at the industrial preparation complex. Research of raw material is carried out on the different modes of the preparation. Then there is conducted chemical analyses of the separated products and on the basis of it the recommended flow sheet to be drawn up. It enables to estimate both: implementation cost and further prime cost of raw material processing. Thus, minor investments at the initial stage, incommensurable with the cost of realization, enable to take better decision concerning advisability of processing technogenic deposit.
Special attention should be paid to using jigging machines with movable sieve in module mining and beneficiation plant. Principle of operation put into jigging machines with movable sieve is a classic jigging known to mankind from ancient times, but realized on the modern technical level and with application of the latest systems of automation, control and monitoring. Such technical decision – using jigging machines with movable sieve in mobile mining and beneficiation plants – enables to obtain a number of undeniable advantages compared to ordinary water –pulsation jigging machines, namely :
-         reduction of water consumption in 4 times;
-         reduction of compressed air consumption in 3 times;
-         energy saving in 2-3 times;
-         quality improvement of concentrate;
-         cost reduction of the module mining and beneficiation plant infrastructure;
-         decreasing in required place
all these parameters are important during ore processing, coal preparation, etc., as well as at the stationary preparation enterprises. As for module mining and beneficiation plants, which are located in close vicinity to technogenic deposits, frequently away from powerful electric mains, with absence of water supply with large debit, saving of water and power resources becomes not only the key factor for effective preparation of raw material, but also for realization of such possibility in principle.
Reduction of water consumption in 4 times for preparation of 1m3 of raw material enables decreases respectively capacity of slurry ponds, which essentially reduces their cost, time and technical complexity of realization. Powers and cost of main and charge pumps will reduce respectively.
Reduction of compressed air consumption in 3 times enables to apply compressor units of less capacity with lower mass and reduced energy consumption and , accordingly, less cost.
All this reduces prime cost of raw material in several times cutting the payback period of the preparation unit  to as low as possible.