Engineering. Manufacturing. Success
(rus) +380 (44) 331 92 48
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 (engl) +380 (50) 607 74 08

Module preparation complexes GRAVICOM

Module preparation complexes are intended for preparation of dumps of ferrous and non-ferrous metals, coal waste piles as well as minor deposits of different   natural resources ,admitting separation by gravity method.
Module preparation complexes GRAVICOM are produced on initial product for 50,100 and 200 t/h.
The advantages of these complexes are the following :
- High efficiency of separation
- Possibility of installation on the non-equipped open sites in close vicinity from initial material ;
- Complete automation of operation of complex equipment ;
- Low energy consumption
- Complexity of solving
The additional advantages of our proposal are the following :
- Definition of preparation ability of initial material and percentage of presence of useful product in it;
- Contract supervision, adjustment and putting into operation with achieving of stipulated results of preparation;
- Training of personnel;
- Service guarantee and post-guarantee maintenance.

Using of new modern highly reliable equipment and new principles of control enabled to refuse completely from non-standard not certified electrical equipment, which qualitatively increased reliability of machine operation as a whole.